I heart Hel looks

Helsinki, +-0 degrees

As many of you probably know, I think of Helsinki as a fashionable European city and I believe trends start here everyday. Lately there's been a lot of discussion about what can be considered a fashion trend. Finns are known to be modest, even when it comes to clothing, and therefore some people have thought of Finns as more followers of trends than creators of trendy clothing. One of my favorite websites concerning fashion trends in Helsinki is called "Hel Looks". The site is actually a blog showing the clothing of regular people stopped on the Helsinkian streets. I contacted the makers of this site to congratulate them on a well made site and the makers told me that they just randomly pick the people they stop on the streets and take photos of. They said though, that the focus of the blog is on the clothes. The photographers first see the clothes, then the person. I liked that idea and I like the way the blog portray Helsinki; just the way I picture it in my head as a melting point but also starting point for fashion trends!

What's your opinion?

  1. Thank you but I'm not that religious even though religion interests me..

